
Now a days a lot of companies relies on VPN’s to allow their employes and even customers to access their local network through the WEB in a secure way, one of the most popular VPN provider is FortiNET, the company is known by its reputation of offer reliable, secure and practical security based products.

Despite their excelent VPN product and reputation, the official FortiClient app for linux doesn't allow the users to connect to a VPN using it, so I've used an unoficcial client called ForticlientSSLVpn but I've had a lot of headcaches due to the problems that it have, like unexpectedly lose all my configurations or my connection with the VPN, sometimes the program have just stopped to work after a system update which is very common in roling releases distributions like Arch Linux.

After struggle with it a while I discovered the Openfortivpn client which is a opensource forticlient that actually works, and in this tutorial I'll teach you how to install and configure the Openfortisslvpn.


I’ll provide examples using two very popular linux distributions Arch and Ubuntu keep in mind that the installation process explained below can be used in a Ubuntu or Arch based distribution without big problems.

Arch Linux:

For the porpouse of this post I’ll use yay which is a very good and enjoyable AUR helper but fell free to use your favorite AUR helper.
run the following commands:

$ yay -Syy openfortivpn


run the following commands:

$ sudo apt install openfortivpn


Once you’ve finished the installation you’ll need to configure the openfortivpn dont worry it’s super easy and will take just a few steps to be done.

The config file

To avoid the need of have to type your user and password throug the command line every time you can edit the openfortivpn config file and put your own configuration there, the file is located at:


So go ahead and open the file with sudo with your text editor

$ sudo vim /etc/openfortivpn/config

The file content will be like that:

host =
port =
username =
password =

Preaty easy to know what to do now right ? You’ll have to fill each field with the apropriate information like in the example below:

host =
port = 10443
username = john.doe
password = passwd123

Some times you want to fill the password field with a pin + real time generated token, if that’s your case delete the password field from the file and openfortivpn will ask for the password to you when you use it.

Trusted-cert config

Some times you can have the following problem:

ERROR:  Gateway certificate validation failed, and the certificate digest in not in the local whitelist. If you trust it, rerun with:
ERROR:      --trusted-cert 6389a2c37974a6fc74763a2b6090asdfasdfw970ce21390df15ceeadcdce990dfd7
ERROR:  or add this line to your config file:
ERROR:      trusted-cert = 6389a2c37974a6fc74763a2b6090asdfasdfw970ce21390df15ceeadcdce990dfd7
ERROR:  Gateway certificate:
ERROR:      subject:
ERROR:          C=US
ERROR:          ST=California
ERROR:          L=Sunnyvale
ERROR:          O=Fortinet
ERROR:          OU=FortiGate
ERROR:          CN=FG800C3913802045
ERROR:      issuer:
ERROR:          C=US
ERROR:          ST=California
ERROR:          L=Sunnyvale
ERROR:          O=Fortinet
ERROR:          OU=Certificate Authority
ERROR:          CN=support
ERROR:      sha256 digest:
ERROR:  6389a2c37974a6fc74763a2b6090asdfasdfw970ce21390df15ceeadcdce990dfd
INFO:   Closed connection to gateway.

In order to solve that you can copy the trusted-cert showed to you and put that in your config file.

host =
port = 10443
username = john.doe
password = passwd123 
trusted-cert = 6389a2c37974a6fc74763a2b6090asdfasdfw970ce21390df15ceeadcdce990dfd


Once you followed the steps above all you have to do to run the openfortivpn is:

$ sudo openfortivpn

Please if you had problems running openfotivpn after read this small tutorial please tell me you can leave a comment our email me through the contact form and I’ll do my best to help you.

And if you want a GUI client check the excelent openfortigui